Baby Name Rankings of Astrid

Astrid: Statistics About The Baby Name Astrid

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3997640.0437%
2022*** 4037740.0434%
2021*** 4387040.0396%
2020*** 4496820.0387%
2019*** 5185970.0328%
2018*** 6614430.0240%
2017*** 7143990.0213%
2016*** 7773630.0188%
2015*** 8903070.0159%
2014*** 9132930.0151%
2013*** 9892510.0131%
2005*** 9312610.0131%
2004*** 9352540.0128%
1996*** 9741950.0102%
1995*** 9951880.0098%
1916*** 929540.0050%
1915*** 792690.0067%
1914*** 832500.0063%
1913*** 809420.0064%
1912*** 794390.0067%
1911*** 958210.0048%
1909*** 966180.0049%
1908*** 851210.0059%
1907*** 727270.0080%
1905*** 931160.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.