Baby Name Rankings of Ashlyn

Ashlyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Ashlyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 8323280.0188%
2022*** 7793630.0203%
2021*** 7124000.0225%
2020*** 6014820.0274%
2019*** 5885160.0283%
2018*** 5705380.0291%
2017*** 4716590.0351%
2016*** 3968330.0432%
2015*** 3329750.0504%
2014*** 3061,0550.0544%
2013*** 2541,2320.0645%
2012*** 2061,4990.0780%
2011*** 1711,8230.0949%
2010*** 1561,9370.0998%
2009*** 1462,1730.1085%
2008*** 1532,2370.1088%
2007*** 1552,2410.1075%
2006*** 1402,4340.1183%
2005*** 1272,4940.1252%
2004*** 1312,4260.1221%
2003*** 1392,3570.1182%
2002*** 1582,0740.1055%
2001*** 1572,0290.1028%
2000*** 1781,8200.0915%
1999*** 1901,6350.0842%
1998*** 2021,5460.0799%
1997*** 2171,3670.0717%
1996*** 2271,2420.0649%
1995*** 2331,2140.0633%
1994*** 2561,0910.0560%
1993*** 3088570.0435%
1992*** 3716870.0343%
1991*** 4755110.0252%
1990*** 5594190.0204%
1989*** 5713850.0193%
1988*** 6882790.0145%
1987*** 7942200.0118%
1986*** 9281710.0093%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.