Baby Name Rankings of Ashlee

Ashlee: Statistics About The Baby Name Ashlee

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2010*** 8583080.0159%
2009*** 6244760.0238%
2008*** 5355660.0275%
2007*** 4347350.0353%
2006*** 3389580.0466%
2005*** 2691,2020.0603%
2004*** 2831,1480.0578%
2003*** 3827860.0394%
2002*** 3538390.0427%
2001*** 3458790.0445%
2000*** 3121,0060.0506%
1999*** 3109900.0510%
1998*** 2671,1690.0604%
1997*** 2321,2870.0675%
1996*** 2021,4380.0751%
1995*** 1991,4980.0781%
1994*** 1801,6410.0843%
1993*** 1641,9110.0971%
1992*** 1542,0100.1004%
1991*** 1442,0790.1024%
1990*** 1541,9390.0945%
1989*** 1442,0500.1030%
1988*** 1332,1490.1120%
1987*** 1122,4660.1318%
1986*** 1322,1160.1149%
1985*** 1412,0640.1120%
1984*** 1711,6060.0892%
1983*** 1821,4880.0833%
1982*** 2998120.0448%
1981*** 3586520.0365%
1980*** 4834340.0244%
1979*** 5993000.0174%
1978*** 7761980.0121%
1977*** 7781940.0118%
1976*** 8961470.0094%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.