Baby Name Rankings of Arvin

Arvin: Statistics About The Baby Name Arvin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1954967580.0028% ---
1953928600.0030% ---
1951967520.0027% ---
1949947530.0030% ---
1948959520.0029% ---
1947817710.0038% ---
1946884550.0033% ---
1945949460.0034% ---
1943855600.0041% ---
1942879560.0040% ---
1941832580.0046% ---
1940810590.0050% ---
1939660810.0071% ---
1938825560.0049% ---
1937649830.0076% ---
1936718690.0065% ---
1935680780.0073% ---
1934768640.0060% ---
1933773620.0061% ---
1932900510.0048% ---
1931788630.0059% ---
1930841600.0053% ---
1929807640.0058% ---
1928917540.0047% ---
1927976510.0044% ---
1926916540.0047% ---
1923861620.0055% ---
1922874620.0055% ---
1921993500.0044% ---
1920925560.0051% ---
1917909490.0051% ---
1916987420.0045% ---
1909952100.0057% ---
190793590.0057% ---
188793850.0046% ---