Baby Name Rankings of Arther

Arther: Statistics About The Baby Name Arther

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1951949540.0028% ***
1948946530.0030% ***
1947852660.0036% ***
1946966480.0029% ***
1945804590.0043% ***
1944720740.0053% ***
1943744750.0052% ***
1942716800.0057% ***
1941730720.0057% ***
1940604960.0081% ***
1939595950.0084% ***
19385821010.0089% ***
1937648830.0076% ***
1936690730.0069% ***
19355431130.0106% ***
1934594980.0092% ***
1933581990.0097% ***
19325431170.0109% ***
19315121250.0117% ***
19305561170.0104% ***
19295161290.0117% ***
19285821120.0098% ***
19275671180.0102% ***
19265781140.0100% ***
19255741170.0102% ***
19246221060.0091% ***
19235641230.0109% ***
19225501310.0116% ***
19216071080.0095% ***
19205911120.0102% ***
19195451210.0119% ***
1918630950.0090% ***
19175231220.0127% ***
1916618890.0096% ***
1915623860.0098% ***
1914578750.0110% ***
1913597540.0101% ***
1912555520.0115% ***
1911495350.0145% ***
1910463350.0168% ***
1909418350.0198% ***
1908463280.0168% ***
1907540200.0126% ***
1906548180.0125% ***
1905431250.0175% ***
1904431240.0173% ***
1903701110.0085% ***
1902390260.0196% ***
1901469170.0147% ***
1900413300.0185% ***
1899482160.0139% ***
1898486180.0136% ***
1897476170.0139% ***
1896464190.0147% ***
1895390240.0189% ***
1894377240.0192% ***
1893573120.0099% ***
1892424200.0152% ***
1891429170.0156% ***
1890460160.0134% ***
188972780.0067% ***
188870690.0069% ***
188763490.0082% ***
1886455160.0134% ***
1885380220.0190% ***
1884375220.0179% ***
1883435170.0151% ***
1882455160.0131% ***
1881396180.0166% ***
1880427170.0144% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.