Baby Name Rankings of Arnulfo

Arnulfo: Statistics About The Baby Name Arnulfo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19929961180.0056% ---
1985992850.0044% ---
1984973830.0044% ---
1982954880.0047% ---
1981961870.0047% ---
1980908960.0052% ---
1979962840.0047% ---
1978994750.0044% ---
1977919850.0050% ---
1976892860.0053% ---
1975894850.0052% ---
1974912790.0049% ---
1973842880.0055% ---
1971989670.0037% ---
1970965690.0036% ---
1969822880.0048% ---
1968927610.0034% ---
1966942590.0032% ---
1965995550.0029% ---
1964953640.0032% ---
19611000600.0028% ---
1960837810.0037% ---
1958962620.0029% ---
1956986570.0027% ---
1955921650.0031% ---
1954836750.0036% ---
1953793810.0041% ---
1952852670.0034% ---
1951712940.0049% ---
1950810700.0038% ---
1949717920.0051% ---
1948797720.0041% ---
1930889550.0049% ---
1929999460.0042% ---