Baby Name Rankings of Arlo

Arlo: Statistics About The Baby Name Arlo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231582,2970.1254% ***
20221692,2040.1183% ***
20211901,9750.1061% ***
20202201,6900.0917% ***
20192711,3100.0686% ***
20182781,2560.0651% ***
20173161,0840.0552% ***
20163499730.0482% ***
20155025720.0282% ***
20145395110.0252% ***
20136773520.0176% ***
20128182670.0133% ***
20119182170.0108% ***
1943945500.0035% ***
1942998450.0032% ***
1941754680.0054% ***
1940902490.0041% ***
1939778610.0054% ***
1938728700.0062% ***
1937750660.0060% ***
1936756640.0060% ***
1935702740.0069% ***
1934754660.0062% ***
1933708720.0071% ***
1932702770.0072% ***
1931687760.0071% ***
1930829610.0054% ***
1929672820.0074% ***
1928728770.0068% ***
1927829650.0056% ***
1926829640.0056% ***
1925796690.0060% ***
1924823670.0057% ***
1923701850.0075% ***
1922755770.0068% ***
1921917580.0051% ***
1920721810.0074% ***
1919800660.0065% ***
1918702810.0077% ***
1917750690.0072% ***
1916753660.0071% ***
1915666760.0086% ***
1914793440.0064% ***
1913900300.0056% ***
1912878260.0058% ***
1910865130.0062% ***
190090890.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.