Baby Name Rankings of Aric

Aric: Statistics About The Baby Name Aric

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20019891530.0074% ***
20009781510.0073% ***
19999901420.0070% ***
19988371750.0086% ***
19978451680.0084% ***
19968211750.0087% ***
19957721930.0096% ***
19947901790.0088% ***
19937591890.0092% ***
19927202040.0097% ***
19917231950.0092% ***
19906932140.0100% ***
19897471740.0083% ***
19887311670.0084% ***
19877841380.0071% ***
19867851320.0069% ***
19857661330.0069% ***
19847331400.0075% ***
1983895960.0052% ***
19828701040.0055% ***
19817371380.0074% ***
19806751650.0089% ***
19796201910.0107% ***
19785812090.0123% ***
19775012640.0155% ***
19765492150.0132% ***
19755572100.0130% ***
19746141710.0105% ***
19735801860.0115% ***
19726531500.0090% ***
19715432180.0120% ***
19706791460.0077% ***
1969793950.0052% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.