Baby Name Rankings of Ari

Ari: Statistics About The Baby Name Ari

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233449640.0526% 4636600.0377%
20223291,0200.0547% 4387160.0401%
20213429490.0510% 4786490.0365%
20203917870.0427% 4856300.0357%
20193728510.0446% 6015000.0274%
20183748610.0446% 7193930.0213%
20174027850.0400% 8013370.0180%
20164187460.0370% 9682770.0144%
20154027620.0376% ***
20144416770.0334% ***
20134196960.0348% ***
20124356310.0314% ***
20115095040.0250% ***
20105025080.0250% ***
20095265070.0242% ***
20085324920.0229% ***
20075514590.0211% ***
20066343630.0168% ***
20057222750.0132% ***
20046862870.0138% ***
20036612970.0142% ***
20027172460.0120% ***
20017112470.0120% ***
20007882070.0099% ***
19997971920.0094% ***
19988731660.0082% ***
19978121800.0090% ***
19967911830.0091% ***
19958351650.0082% ***
19948071700.0084% ***
19938571530.0074% ***
19928451560.0074% ***
19918261560.0074% ***
19908621400.0065% ***
19899221210.0058% ***
19888741180.0059% ***
19878681150.0059% ***
19868081250.0065% ***
19857961240.0065% ***
19848581050.0056% ***
19836981500.0081% ***
19827491380.0073% ***
19818081160.0062% ***
19807171470.0079% ***
19796831560.0087% ***
19787501280.0075% ***
19777681230.0072% ***
19768321010.0062% ***
19758101050.0065% ***
19747221280.0079% ***
19737381170.0073% ***
19727561100.0066% ***
19716371660.0091% ***
19707471210.0064% ***
1969801930.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.