Baby Name Rankings of Ardith

Ardith: Statistics About The Baby Name Ardith

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1950*** 8141150.0065%
1949*** 883990.0056%
1948*** 7781210.0069%
1947*** 8401090.0060%
1946*** 7931070.0066%
1945*** 820850.0063%
1944*** 7311070.0078%
1943*** 7031180.0082%
1942*** 6081510.0108%
1941*** 5731480.0119%
1940*** 5301660.0141%
1939*** 5251610.0142%
1938*** 5131690.0148%
1937*** 5371530.0139%
1936*** 5501420.0132%
1935*** 4871670.0154%
1934*** 5291490.0138%
1933*** 5211490.0143%
1932*** 5121630.0147%
1931*** 4971680.0152%
1930*** 5041760.0151%
1929*** 6281200.0104%
1928*** 6261260.0106%
1927*** 6121360.0110%
1926*** 6311290.0105%
1925*** 6641230.0097%
1924*** 6631250.0096%
1923*** 6201410.0113%
1922*** 6231390.0111%
1921*** 6201400.0109%
1920*** 6701170.0094%
1919*** 740900.0077%
1918*** 737940.0078%
1917*** 816710.0063%
1916*** 737840.0077%
1915*** 873560.0055%
1914*** 858470.0059%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.