Baby Name Rankings of Ardell

Ardell: Statistics About The Baby Name Ardell

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1939*** 951550.0049%
1938950440.0039% ***
1937*** 964520.0047%
1936977410.0039% 994480.0045%
1935849540.0051% 839670.0062%
1934987420.0040% 947530.0049%
1933886490.0048% 874590.0056%
1932962460.0043% 875630.0057%
1931913500.0047% 899590.0054%
1930789660.0059% ***
1929*** 878660.0057%
1928916540.0047% 880690.0058%
1927907560.0048% 879710.0057%
1926997480.0042% 786850.0069%
1925840620.0054% 814830.0066%
1924965530.0045% 948640.0049%
1923844640.0057% 790850.0068%
1922*** 740960.0077%
1921857650.0057% 926640.0050%
1920912570.0052% 817790.0064%
1919929520.0051% 792790.0067%
1918*** 833740.0062%
1917*** 887610.0054%
1916*** 872610.0056%
1915*** 885550.0054%
1914930350.0051% 903420.0053%
1913*** 980300.0046%
1912*** 891320.0055%
1911*** 896230.0052%
190793490.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.