Baby Name Rankings of Antone

Antone: Statistics About The Baby Name Antone

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1969996590.0032% ***
1953997520.0026% ***
1951960530.0028% ***
1949906580.0032% ***
1945975430.0031% ***
1944857540.0039% ***
1943920520.0036% ***
1941897500.0040% ***
1938909480.0042% ***
1935901490.0046% ***
1934952440.0041% ***
1933885490.0048% ***
1931955470.0044% ***
1930778670.0059% ***
1929901550.0050% ***
1928785680.0060% ***
1927694870.0075% ***
1926700820.0072% ***
1925652950.0083% ***
1924649980.0084% ***
19236261040.0092% ***
19225841210.0107% ***
19215441320.0116% ***
19205531230.0112% ***
19195331240.0122% ***
19185481210.0115% ***
19175061290.0134% ***
19165021270.0138% ***
19155211140.0129% ***
1914488990.0145% ***
1913523670.0125% ***
1912624440.0098% ***
1911550300.0125% ***
1910619220.0106% ***
1909717150.0085% ***
1908585190.0114% ***
1907701140.0088% ***
190685590.0062% ***
190592380.0056% ***
1904493190.0137% ***
1903595140.0108% ***
1902747100.0075% ***
1901506150.0130% ***
1900748120.0074% ***
189978780.0069% ***
189880580.0061% ***
1897585130.0107% ***
1896598130.0101% ***
189580280.0063% ***
189479180.0064% ***
189391560.0050% ***
1892600120.0091% ***
1891412180.0165% ***
1890459160.0134% ***
1889527130.0109% ***
1888615110.0085% ***
1887587100.0091% ***
1886542120.0101% ***
1885499140.0121% ***
188477170.0057% ***
188364890.0080% ***
188284460.0049% ***
188187250.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.