Baby Name Rankings of Aniyah

Aniyah: Statistics About The Baby Name Aniyah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3698260.0472%
2022*** 3788200.0460%
2021*** 3399540.0536%
2020*** 3091,0260.0582%
2019*** 2901,1400.0625%
2018*** 2941,1180.0606%
2017*** 2911,1070.0590%
2016*** 2711,1630.0603%
2015*** 2491,2940.0669%
2014*** 2261,4790.0763%
2013*** 2171,4550.0762%
2012*** 1921,6310.0849%
2011*** 1971,5750.0820%
2010*** 1771,7260.0889%
2009*** 1801,8090.0904%
2008*** 1871,7890.0870%
2007*** 2051,6600.0797%
2006*** 2201,5280.0743%
2005*** 2301,4570.0731%
2004*** 2941,0880.0548%
2003*** 3508810.0442%
2002*** 4136980.0355%
2001*** 5414900.0248%
2000*** 7243200.0161%
1999*** 9162300.0118%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.