Baby Name Rankings of Anissa

Anissa: Statistics About The Baby Name Anissa

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2004*** 8992660.0134%
2003*** 7383430.0172%
2002*** 7773010.0153%
2001*** 7862990.0151%
2000*** 7543030.0152%
1999*** 7093200.0165%
1998*** 6683450.0178%
1997*** 6533370.0177%
1996*** 7112970.0155%
1995*** 5973760.0196%
1994*** 4525620.0289%
1993*** 4156010.0305%
1992*** 8542330.0116%
1978*** 8831660.0101%
1977*** 8161830.0111%
1976*** 6502380.0152%
1975*** 8131680.0108%
1974*** 9181370.0088%
1973*** 6742210.0142%
1972*** 4204600.0285%
1971*** 3477250.0414%
1970*** 3896010.0328%
1969*** 3776070.0345%
1968*** 4175030.0294%
1967*** 6482180.0127%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.