Baby Name Rankings of Andra

Andra: Statistics About The Baby Name Andra

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1975913800.0049% ***
1974950730.0045% ***
1973978680.0042% ***
1972920750.0045% 9081370.0085%
1971857900.0050% 9731300.0074%
1970911770.0040% 9521330.0073%
1969922680.0037% 7961670.0095%
1968797860.0048% 8841360.0080%
1967757950.0053% 8101510.0088%
1966748970.0053% 8781300.0074%
1965816820.0043% ***
1964815850.0042% ***
1963870740.0036% ***
1962921680.0032% ***
1961999600.0028% ***
1960901700.0032% 8201610.0077%
1959971620.0029% 7551800.0087%
1944*** 853790.0058%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.