Baby Name Rankings of Anabel

Anabel: Statistics About The Baby Name Anabel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2014*** 9102950.0152%
2013*** 9002810.0147%
2012*** 9622620.0136%
2011*** 9952520.0131%
2010*** 9462690.0139%
2008*** 9552770.0135%
2007*** 9502810.0135%
2004*** 9582450.0123%
1991*** 7282850.0140%
1990*** 7442780.0136%
1989*** 7982380.0120%
1988*** 9691710.0089%
1980*** 9211620.0091%
1906*** 968150.0048%
1894*** 855130.0055%
1887*** 636130.0084%
1886*** 99760.0039%
1885*** 84770.0049%
1883*** 75570.0058%
1882*** 91450.0043%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.