Baby Name Rankings of Amalia

Amalia: Statistics About The Baby Name Amalia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5285720.0327%
2022*** 5805130.0287%
2021*** 5455560.0312%
2020*** 5705130.0291%
2019*** 6054970.0273%
2018*** 5935100.0276%
2017*** 6134910.0262%
2016*** 7823610.0187%
2015*** 8283370.0174%
2014*** 8843050.0157%
2013*** 9322690.0141%
2011*** 9922530.0132%
1934*** 936540.0050%
1933*** 841630.0060%
1932*** 848670.0061%
1931*** 775750.0068%
1930*** 757860.0074%
1929*** 761840.0073%
1928*** 715980.0082%
1927*** 761900.0073%
1926*** 731980.0080%
1925*** 869730.0058%
1924*** 6661240.0096%
1923*** 735980.0078%
1922*** 853740.0059%
1921*** 837780.0061%
1920*** 772880.0071%
1919*** 805760.0065%
1918*** 851710.0059%
1917*** 814710.0063%
1916*** 796730.0067%
1915*** 768740.0072%
1914*** 801520.0065%
1913*** 780450.0069%
1912*** 834360.0062%
1911*** 808280.0064%
1910*** 778300.0072%
1909*** 772270.0073%
1908*** 809230.0065%
1907*** 793220.0065%
1906*** 794210.0067%
1905*** 901170.0055%
1903*** 736210.0075%
1902*** 736220.0078%
1901*** 798170.0067%
1900*** 688270.0085%
1899*** 682210.0085%
1898*** 650250.0091%
1897*** 629240.0097%
1896*** 756180.0071%
1895*** 726190.0077%
1894*** 494330.0140%
1893*** 740160.0071%
1892*** 910110.0049%
1891*** 590200.0102%
1890*** 667160.0079%
1889*** 659150.0079%
1888*** 533220.0116%
1887*** 499200.0129%
1886*** 661120.0078%
1885*** 486190.0134%
1884*** 556140.0102%
1883*** 69680.0067%
1882*** 562110.0095%
1881*** 507110.0111%
1880*** 58290.0092%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.