Baby Name Rankings of Alyson

Alyson: Statistics About The Baby Name Alyson

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2019*** 9452780.0153%
2018*** 8873020.0164%
2017*** 8353230.0172%
2016*** 7963550.0184%
2015*** 6784180.0216%
2014*** 5954910.0253%
2013*** 5764950.0259%
2012*** 5405510.0287%
2011*** 4776160.0321%
2010*** 5075840.0301%
2009*** 4816360.0318%
2008*** 4806500.0316%
2007*** 5245880.0282%
2006*** 4716610.0321%
2005*** 4686410.0322%
2004*** 4586480.0326%
2003*** 4436750.0338%
2002*** 4466460.0329%
2001*** 4556060.0307%
2000*** 4615980.0301%
1999*** 4336340.0326%
1998*** 4096580.0340%
1997*** 4146320.0332%
1996*** 3966670.0348%
1995*** 3966620.0345%
1994*** 3727000.0360%
1993*** 3646970.0354%
1992*** 3996440.0322%
1991*** 4415770.0284%
1990*** 3587400.0361%
1989*** 3547250.0364%
1988*** 3746430.0335%
1987*** 3456950.0371%
1986*** 3706350.0345%
1985*** 4095490.0298%
1984*** 4474640.0258%
1983*** 4444610.0258%
1982*** 4634550.0251%
1981*** 4664550.0255%
1980*** 4494770.0268%
1979*** 4284860.0282%
1978*** 4584310.0263%
1977*** 4764040.0246%
1976*** 4863750.0239%
1975*** 5133460.0222%
1974*** 5513040.0194%
1973*** 5872680.0173%
1972*** 6092600.0161%
1971*** 6272650.0151%
1970*** 6882270.0124%
1969*** 8911390.0079%
1968*** 8931330.0078%
1967*** 9391180.0069%
1966*** 9601120.0064%
1965*** 7351840.0101%
1964*** 7371990.0102%
1963*** 8201610.0081%
1962*** 9851180.0058%
1961*** 8801470.0071%
1958*** 9931090.0053%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.