Baby Name Rankings of Alysha

Alysha: Statistics About The Baby Name Alysha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2002*** 9652290.0116%
2000*** 9122380.0120%
1999*** 9042330.0120%
1998*** 7902710.0140%
1997*** 7762680.0141%
1996*** 6273580.0187%
1995*** 5913830.0200%
1994*** 5644100.0211%
1993*** 5114810.0244%
1992*** 4825110.0255%
1991*** 4495680.0280%
1990*** 4106300.0307%
1989*** 4195910.0297%
1988*** 4604870.0254%
1987*** 5283830.0205%
1986*** 7332420.0131%
1985*** 8831810.0098%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.