Baby Name Rankings of Alycia

Alycia: Statistics About The Baby Name Alycia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2002*** 9742260.0115%
2001*** 9692220.0112%
2000*** 9262320.0117%
1999*** 8472550.0131%
1998*** 9222260.0117%
1997*** 7512830.0148%
1996*** 7552800.0146%
1995*** 8322350.0122%
1994*** 8352400.0123%
1993*** 6923120.0158%
1992*** 6863150.0157%
1991*** 5943780.0186%
1990*** 5234540.0221%
1989*** 5514100.0206%
1988*** 5633760.0196%
1987*** 5563610.0193%
1986*** 6452850.0155%
1985*** 7522290.0124%
1984*** 8101950.0108%
1981*** 9081640.0092%
1980*** 9801510.0085%
1979*** 7852020.0117%
1977*** 9581440.0088%
1976*** 9501340.0085%
1971*** 9511340.0077%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.