Baby Name Rankings of Alvera

Alvera: Statistics About The Baby Name Alvera

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1930*** 895650.0056%
1929*** 855690.0060%
1928*** 842740.0062%
1927*** 910670.0054%
1926*** 784850.0069%
1925*** 774910.0072%
1924*** 816830.0064%
1923*** 757920.0073%
1922*** 7131040.0083%
1921*** 799840.0066%
1920*** 7071050.0084%
1919*** 739900.0077%
1918*** 6771120.0093%
1917*** 6531090.0097%
1916*** 728870.0080%
1915*** 703890.0087%
1914*** 830500.0063%
1913*** 748490.0075%
1912*** 868330.0056%
1911*** 980200.0045%
1910*** 828270.0065%
1907*** 750250.0074%
1906*** 897170.0054%
1903*** 972130.0047%
1901*** 797170.0067%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.