Baby Name Rankings of Alphonse

Alphonse: Statistics About The Baby Name Alphonse

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1964927670.0033% ***
1963983590.0029% ***
1961966630.0029% ***
1959950650.0030% ***
1958930660.0031% ***
1957923670.0031% ***
1956828810.0038% ***
1955841760.0036% ***
1954895680.0033% ***
1953827750.0038% ***
1952740900.0046% ***
1951778810.0043% ***
1950754830.0046% ***
1949684990.0055% ***
1948742820.0046% ***
1947710930.0050% ***
1946704850.0052% ***
1945675790.0058% ***
1944661880.0064% ***
1943665920.0064% ***
19426111060.0075% ***
19415221290.0103% ***
19405931000.0084% ***
19395691010.0089% ***
19385601080.0095% ***
1937628860.0079% ***
19365131200.0113% ***
19355421140.0107% ***
19344891370.0129% ***
19335501080.0106% ***
19324731470.0137% ***
19313952020.0189% ***
19304701580.0140% ***
19294271890.0171% ***
19283952280.0200% ***
19274321970.0170% ***
19263992210.0193% ***
19253592700.0235% ***
19243782480.0212% ***
19233512830.0250% ***
19223492890.0257% ***
19213622750.0242% ***
19203233260.0296% ***
19193043260.0321% ***
19182883570.0340% ***
19172943160.0329% ***
19162963040.0329% ***
19152902970.0337% ***
19142792510.0368% ***
19132771970.0368% ***
19123011420.0315% ***
1911293810.0336% ***
1910328560.0269% ***
1909307560.0317% ***
1908316480.0289% ***
1907407310.0196% ***
1906323400.0278% ***
1905430250.0175% ***
1904335360.0260% ***
1903431220.0170% ***
1902337330.0249% ***
1901336290.0251% ***
1900434270.0166% ***
1899439180.0156% ***
1898345310.0235% ***
1897404220.0180% ***
1896380260.0201% ***
1895383250.0197% ***
1894441190.0152% ***
1893401200.0165% ***
1892405220.0167% ***
1891428170.0156% ***
1890424180.0150% ***
1889446170.0143% ***
1888417200.0154% ***
1887393180.0165% ***
1886453160.0134% ***
1885344250.0216% ***
1884399200.0163% ***
1883481140.0124% ***
1882454160.0131% ***
1881505120.0111% ***
1880382200.0169% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.