Baby Name Rankings of Alonza

Alonza: Statistics About The Baby Name Alonza

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1951913590.0031% ***
1950929550.0030% ***
1939980420.0037% ***
1933937450.0044% ***
1923995490.0043% ***
1911896140.0058% ***
1910678190.0091% ***
1909803130.0074% ***
1908745130.0078% ***
1907778120.0076% ***
1906711120.0083% ***
1905789100.0070% ***
190496770.0051% ***
190378490.0070% ***
190293470.0053% ***
1901597120.0104% ***
189986070.0061% ***
1898703100.0076% ***
189772790.0074% ***
1896724100.0077% ***
189587570.0055% ***
1894671100.0080% ***
1893479150.0124% ***
1892641110.0084% ***
189184660.0055% ***
188967590.0076% ***
1888611110.0085% ***
1887585100.0091% ***
1886470150.0126% ***
188570080.0069% ***
188477070.0057% ***
188364590.0080% ***
1882613100.0082% ***
1881563100.0092% ***
1880602100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.