Baby Name Rankings of Alonso

Alonso: Statistics About The Baby Name Alonso

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238452860.0156% ***
20227503390.0182% ***
20217773160.0170% ***
20207842960.0161% ***
20197493160.0166% ***
20187752970.0154% ***
20177453160.0161% ***
20167593190.0158% ***
20157313310.0163% ***
20147083390.0167% ***
20136843460.0173% ***
20127363120.0155% ***
20116763470.0172% ***
20106373760.0185% ***
20096593690.0176% ***
20086603600.0167% ***
20076553600.0165% ***
20066433550.0165% ***
20056473270.0157% ***
20046772930.0141% ***
20036652960.0142% ***
20026203160.0154% ***
20017182430.0118% ***
20006382850.0137% ***
19997102330.0115% ***
19987362200.0109% ***
19977691930.0097% ***
19967651920.0096% ***
19957152210.0110% ***
19948621540.0076% ***
19937451950.0095% ***
19928291610.0077% ***
19918431510.0071% ***
19908051580.0074% ***
19899061250.0060% ***
19888731180.0059% ***
1987966950.0049% ***
1986941940.0049% ***
1984943870.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.