Baby Name Rankings of Almeta

Almeta: Statistics About The Baby Name Almeta

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1933*** 936530.0051%
1929*** 943580.0050%
1924*** 914690.0053%
1922*** 930630.0051%
1921*** 982570.0045%
1920*** 884670.0054%
1919*** 966540.0046%
1918*** 998520.0043%
1916*** 994480.0044%
1915*** 969470.0046%
1913*** 1000290.0044%
1912*** 938290.0050%
1910*** 844260.0062%
1909*** 910200.0054%
1907*** 947160.0047%
1905*** 968150.0048%
1904*** 965140.0048%
1903*** 863160.0058%
1900*** 919170.0053%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.