Baby Name Rankings of Aliyah

Aliyah: Statistics About The Baby Name Aliyah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2201,3460.0769%
2022*** 2321,3040.0731%
2021*** 2081,4210.0799%
2020*** 1881,5200.0863%
2019*** 1731,6660.0914%
2018*** 1601,7650.0956%
2017*** 1551,8970.1012%
2016*** 1551,9970.1036%
2015*** 1631,9580.1012%
2014*** 1681,9470.1004%
2013*** 1482,0940.1097%
2012*** 1402,2400.1166%
2011*** 1332,2800.1187%
2010*** 1432,1430.1104%
2009*** 1581,9720.0985%
2008*** 1921,7260.0840%
2007*** 2151,5890.0762%
2006*** 2361,4250.0693%
2005*** 2331,4420.0724%
2004*** 2211,5040.0757%
2003*** 2351,3850.0695%
2002*** 2031,5960.0812%
2001*** 2261,4030.0711%
2000*** 2871,1100.0558%
1999*** 3448660.0446%
1998*** 3358790.0454%
1997*** 3228950.0470%
1996*** 3916740.0352%
1995*** 3387850.0409%
1994*** 3587290.0374%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.