Baby Name Rankings of Alivia

Alivia: Statistics About The Baby Name Alivia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3728220.0470%
2022*** 3191,0040.0563%
2021*** 2731,1370.0639%
2020*** 2531,1790.0669%
2019*** 2551,2680.0696%
2018*** 2271,3730.0744%
2017*** 2391,3300.0709%
2016*** 2201,4600.0757%
2015*** 2141,5150.0783%
2014*** 2141,5790.0815%
2013*** 1831,7350.0909%
2012*** 1881,6760.0872%
2011*** 1911,6540.0861%
2010*** 1741,7560.0905%
2009*** 1781,8150.0907%
2008*** 1811,8090.0880%
2007*** 2071,6280.0781%
2006*** 2541,3040.0634%
2005*** 2861,1280.0566%
2004*** 3339450.0476%
2003*** 3468830.0443%
2002*** 4286760.0344%
2001*** 4775820.0295%
2000*** 5614630.0233%
1999*** 6183900.0201%
1998*** 6593490.0180%
1997*** 7962600.0136%
1996*** 9951890.0099%
1995*** 9132060.0107%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.