Baby Name Rankings of Alison

Alison: Statistics About The Baby Name Alison

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 4716510.0372%
2022*** 4556910.0387%
2021*** 4746530.0367%
2020*** 4396970.0396%
2019*** 4137530.0413%
2018*** 4007670.0415%
2017*** 3828120.0433%
2016*** 3439690.0502%
2015*** 3389630.0498%
2014*** 2891,1150.0575%
2013*** 2971,0620.0556%
2012*** 2731,1790.0614%
2011*** 2491,2690.0661%
2010*** 2691,2090.0623%
2009*** 2271,4350.0717%
2008*** 2731,2360.0601%
2007*** 2881,1570.0555%
2006*** 2711,2000.0583%
2005*** 2591,2400.0622%
2004*** 2291,4190.0714%
2003*** 2331,4110.0708%
2002*** 2311,3550.0689%
2001*** 2321,3580.0688%
2000*** 2311,3780.0693%
1999*** 2011,5280.0787%
1998*** 1881,6380.0847%
1997*** 1731,7630.0925%
1996*** 1661,9000.0992%
1995*** 1621,9510.1017%
1994*** 1532,1210.1090%
1993*** 1412,2390.1137%
1992*** 1472,0640.1031%
1991*** 1422,1530.1060%
1990*** 1332,3580.1149%
1989*** 1192,4930.1252%
1988*** 1132,5340.1321%
1987*** 1002,7680.1479%
1986*** 962,9750.1615%
1985*** 972,8260.1533%
1984*** 1102,5100.1394%
1983*** 1162,4860.1391%
1982*** 1112,7210.1502%
1981*** 1132,7050.1515%
1980*** 1012,9760.1674%
1979*** 1022,9330.1704%
1978*** 1232,4250.1477%
1977*** 1212,3750.1445%
1976*** 1162,2750.1448%
1975*** 1272,2620.1451%
1974*** 1342,0820.1330%
1973*** 1461,9240.1239%
1972*** 1621,8040.1119%
1971*** 1432,2080.1261%
1970*** 1871,7660.0965%
1969*** 2691,0770.0611%
1968*** 2919040.0529%
1967*** 2848940.0521%
1966*** 2729550.0544%
1965*** 2231,4570.0798%
1964*** 2261,4530.0743%
1963*** 2341,3890.0699%
1962*** 2251,4170.0699%
1961*** 2311,4070.0678%
1960*** 2461,2670.0609%
1959*** 2541,1980.0577%
1958*** 2809910.0480%
1957*** 3805700.0272%
1956*** 3585920.0288%
1955*** 3795430.0271%
1954*** 3446190.0311%
1953*** 3834920.0255%
1952*** 3954390.0231%
1951*** 4034170.0226%
1950*** 4303510.0200%
1949*** 4493160.0180%
1948*** 4952690.0154%
1947*** 5622310.0127%
1946*** 5412140.0133%
1945*** 6721210.0090%
1944*** 868770.0056%
1943*** 963670.0047%
1942*** 877780.0056%
1936*** 961510.0047%
1934*** 974500.0046%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.