Baby Name Rankings of Alisha

Alisha: Statistics About The Baby Name Alisha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2018*** 9572740.0148%
2017*** 8653130.0167%
2016*** 9852690.0139%
2015*** 9192960.0153%
2014*** 8953000.0155%
2013*** 8692940.0154%
2012*** 8663040.0158%
2011*** 7653550.0185%
2010*** 7863460.0178%
2009*** 7653670.0183%
2008*** 6424730.0230%
2007*** 5525460.0262%
2006*** 5844930.0240%
2005*** 4906140.0308%
2004*** 4506690.0337%
2003*** 4396790.0340%
2002*** 4097060.0359%
2001*** 4176810.0345%
2000*** 4017150.0359%
1999*** 3737630.0393%
1998*** 3418570.0443%
1997*** 2909860.0517%
1996*** 2401,1640.0608%
1995*** 2211,2770.0665%
1994*** 2001,4970.0769%
1993*** 1731,7160.0872%
1992*** 1621,8570.0928%
1991*** 1492,0390.1004%
1990*** 1352,3410.1141%
1989*** 1222,4370.1224%
1988*** 1252,2680.1182%
1987*** 1182,3920.1278%
1986*** 1242,2330.1212%
1985*** 1312,2120.1200%
1984*** 1232,2870.1270%
1983*** 1412,0470.1145%
1982*** 1462,0090.1109%
1981*** 1421,9980.1119%
1980*** 1511,8540.1043%
1979*** 1631,7160.0997%
1978*** 1881,3760.0838%
1977*** 2011,3120.0798%
1976*** 2549320.0593%
1975*** 2977910.0507%
1974*** 3266810.0435%
1973*** 3615890.0379%
1972*** 3825600.0347%
1971*** 4045290.0302%
1970*** 4804190.0229%
1969*** 5043730.0212%
1968*** 6202380.0139%
1967*** 7581680.0098%
1966*** 8551370.0078%
1965*** 7871570.0086%
1964*** 9541210.0062%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.