Baby Name Rankings of Alijah

Alijah: Statistics About The Baby Name Alijah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234436960.0380% ***
20224696500.0349% ***
20214077580.0407% ***
20204466650.0361% ***
20194816030.0316% ***
20184895890.0305% ***
20174766150.0313% ***
20165105830.0289% ***
20154796200.0306% ***
20144845770.0284% ***
20135095230.0261% ***
20124545950.0296% ***
20114565790.0288% ***
20104695470.0269% ***
20094735710.0272% ***
20084695800.0270% ***
20075494620.0212% ***
20065844120.0191% ***
20055923730.0179% ***
20046313270.0157% ***
20036533000.0144% ***
20026842650.0129% ***
20019021720.0083% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.