Baby Name Rankings of Aliana

Aliana: Statistics About The Baby Name Aliana

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5965000.0286%
2022*** 6474530.0254%
2021*** 6564510.0253%
2020*** 7063950.0224%
2019*** 7094000.0219%
2018*** 7723520.0191%
2017*** 8333240.0173%
2016*** 7543770.0195%
2015*** 7373790.0196%
2014*** 7033970.0205%
2013*** 6814130.0216%
2012*** 6724170.0217%
2011*** 6704190.0218%
2010*** 8053360.0173%
2009*** 9132930.0146%
2008*** 9073000.0146%
2007*** 8963020.0145%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.