Baby Name Rankings of Alford

Alford: Statistics About The Baby Name Alford

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1955894680.0033% ***
1954821770.0037% ***
1953836730.0037% ***
1952861660.0033% ***
1951888620.0033% ***
1950859630.0035% ***
1949773790.0044% ***
1948804710.0040% ***
1947968540.0029% ***
1946804680.0041% ***
1945843550.0040% ***
1944744690.0050% ***
1943765720.0050% ***
1942686870.0062% ***
1941737710.0057% ***
1940749670.0056% ***
1939783600.0053% ***
1938742680.0060% ***
1937679770.0070% ***
1936622880.0083% ***
1935657820.0077% ***
1934659840.0079% ***
1933756650.0064% ***
1932711760.0071% ***
1931715720.0067% ***
19305821050.0093% ***
1929632940.0085% ***
1928643940.0083% ***
1927693870.0075% ***
1926684860.0075% ***
19256241020.0089% ***
1924712850.0073% ***
1923661940.0083% ***
1922698870.0077% ***
1921693880.0077% ***
1920720810.0074% ***
1919648890.0088% ***
1918810650.0062% ***
1917738710.0074% ***
1916742670.0073% ***
1915683720.0082% ***
1914785450.0066% ***
1913720410.0077% ***
1912668400.0089% ***
1911548300.0125% ***
1910709180.0086% ***
1909756140.0079% ***
1908452290.0174% ***
1907635160.0101% ***
1906591160.0111% ***
1905574170.0119% ***
1904762100.0072% ***
1903452210.0162% ***
1902521170.0128% ***
190173090.0078% ***
1900494220.0135% ***
1899423190.0165% ***
1898637120.0091% ***
1897496160.0131% ***
189690170.0054% ***
189587470.0055% ***
1894669100.0080% ***
1893650100.0083% ***
1892422200.0152% ***
1891601100.0092% ***
1890458160.0134% ***
1889632100.0084% ***
1888505150.0115% ***
188763190.0082% ***
1886432170.0143% ***
1885578110.0095% ***
1884453170.0138% ***
1883497130.0116% ***
1882453160.0131% ***
1881418170.0157% ***
1880482140.0118% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.