Baby Name Rankings of Alf

Alf: Statistics About The Baby Name Alf

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1912970220.0049% ***
1911733190.0079% ***
190894490.0054% ***
1907816110.0069% ***
190685390.0062% ***
190591980.0056% ***
1904761100.0072% ***
1901596120.0104% ***
190097280.0049% ***
1897683100.0082% ***
189677990.0070% ***
189598160.0047% ***
189495760.0048% ***
1893617110.0091% ***
1892689100.0076% ***
1891564110.0101% ***
1890630100.0084% ***
1889550120.0101% ***
1888648100.0077% ***
188768280.0073% ***
188664790.0076% ***
188594250.0043% ***
188476870.0057% ***
1883460150.0133% ***
188284160.0049% ***
188186850.0046% ***
188074770.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.