Baby Name Rankings of Alexia

Alexia: Statistics About The Baby Name Alexia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 8143400.0194%
2022*** 8263360.0188%
2021*** 8743080.0173%
2020*** 7353700.0210%
2019*** 6324660.0256%
2018*** 5176000.0325%
2017*** 4127680.0410%
2016*** 3758670.0450%
2015*** 3181,0100.0522%
2014*** 2701,2130.0626%
2013*** 1751,8130.0950%
2012*** 2521,2740.0663%
2011*** 2751,1420.0595%
2010*** 2421,2890.0664%
2009*** 2201,4600.0729%
2008*** 2131,5930.0775%
2007*** 1791,9100.0916%
2006*** 1642,1060.1024%
2005*** 1602,0980.1053%
2004*** 1322,4100.1213%
2003*** 1332,4840.1246%
2002*** 1282,6820.1364%
2001*** 1432,2870.1159%
2000*** 1652,0180.1014%
1999*** 1881,6470.0848%
1998*** 2291,3640.0705%
1997*** 2591,1160.0586%
1996*** 2661,0730.0560%
1995*** 3029140.0476%
1994*** 3098780.0451%
1993*** 3676900.0350%
1992*** 5244550.0227%
1991*** 5064650.0229%
1990*** 5584200.0205%
1989*** 6523150.0158%
1988*** 7122640.0138%
1987*** 8022180.0116%
1985*** 9931530.0083%
1984*** 9291590.0088%
1983*** 9271600.0090%
1982*** 7142420.0134%
1981*** 8531820.0102%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.