Baby Name Rankings of Alexandrea

Alexandrea: Statistics About The Baby Name Alexandrea

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2004*** 9912340.0118%
2003*** 9872330.0117%
2002*** 8812560.0130%
2001*** 7603120.0158%
2000*** 7343140.0158%
1999*** 6503540.0182%
1998*** 6743420.0177%
1997*** 5514250.0223%
1996*** 5434300.0225%
1995*** 4725240.0273%
1994*** 5284660.0239%
1993*** 5104840.0246%
1992*** 5104710.0235%
1991*** 5524250.0209%
1990*** 6533410.0166%
1989*** 7502620.0132%
1988*** 8592070.0108%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.