Baby Name Rankings of Alesha

Alesha: Statistics About The Baby Name Alesha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1996*** 9612000.0104%
1995*** 9072080.0108%
1994*** 7892580.0133%
1993*** 7932550.0130%
1992*** 7822610.0130%
1991*** 7092980.0147%
1990*** 6913060.0149%
1989*** 6822980.0150%
1988*** 6812820.0147%
1987*** 6902660.0142%
1986*** 7502310.0125%
1985*** 7092440.0132%
1984*** 6242830.0157%
1983*** 6902450.0137%
1982*** 7512210.0122%
1981*** 7872060.0115%
1980*** 7082390.0134%
1979*** 7212310.0134%
1978*** 9321510.0092%
1977*** 9251510.0092%
1976*** 9891280.0081%
1975*** 9151410.0090%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.