Baby Name Rankings of Albina

Albina: Statistics About The Baby Name Albina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1931*** 836670.0061%
1930*** 853700.0060%
1929*** 741890.0077%
1928*** 6921020.0085%
1927*** 7071050.0085%
1926*** 7261000.0081%
1925*** 6311340.0106%
1924*** 6471340.0103%
1923*** 6131430.0114%
1922*** 5641610.0129%
1921*** 5851520.0119%
1920*** 5041890.0152%
1919*** 4751960.0167%
1918*** 4772000.0166%
1917*** 4242270.0202%
1916*** 4591940.0179%
1915*** 4321980.0194%
1914*** 4431510.0190%
1913*** 4911070.0164%
1912*** 501910.0156%
1911*** 531620.0141%
1910*** 527600.0143%
1909*** 522520.0142%
1908*** 602390.0110%
1907*** 475560.0166%
1906*** 459550.0176%
1905*** 527420.0136%
1904*** 451520.0178%
1903*** 451500.0180%
1902*** 490410.0146%
1901*** 482390.0153%
1900*** 483490.0154%
1899*** 455410.0166%
1898*** 465440.0160%
1897*** 449430.0173%
1896*** 440430.0171%
1895*** 437420.0170%
1894*** 463360.0153%
1893*** 501300.0133%
1892*** 434380.0169%
1891*** 447320.0163%
1890*** 412370.0183%
1889*** 533230.0122%
1888*** 486260.0137%
1887*** 473220.0142%
1886*** 416270.0176%
1885*** 428240.0169%
1884*** 409240.0174%
1883*** 435190.0158%
1882*** 74170.0060%
1881*** 434150.0152%
1880*** 68070.0072%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.