Baby Name Rankings of Alayna

Alayna: Statistics About The Baby Name Alayna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3159780.0559%
2022*** 2731,1560.0648%
2021*** 2621,1790.0663%
2020*** 2471,2120.0688%
2019*** 2191,3880.0761%
2018*** 2361,3540.0733%
2017*** 2281,3730.0732%
2016*** 2211,4350.0744%
2015*** 2231,4490.0749%
2014*** 2171,5330.0791%
2013*** 2061,5490.0811%
2012*** 2021,5300.0796%
2011*** 2231,4030.0731%
2010*** 2351,3270.0684%
2009*** 2771,1720.0585%
2008*** 2851,1630.0566%
2007*** 2721,2330.0592%
2006*** 2681,2020.0584%
2005*** 2851,1330.0569%
2004*** 3021,0440.0526%
2003*** 3409090.0456%
2002*** 3807780.0396%
2001*** 4027190.0364%
2000*** 4276590.0331%
1999*** 4595780.0298%
1998*** 5684310.0223%
1997*** 6473410.0179%
1996*** 6313550.0185%
1995*** 6503310.0172%
1994*** 6523290.0169%
1993*** 7222950.0150%
1992*** 8512340.0117%
1991*** 8942180.0107%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.