Baby Name Rankings of Alanna

Alanna: Statistics About The Baby Name Alanna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 4536760.0386%
2022*** 5685280.0296%
2021*** 5595450.0306%
2020*** 5595230.0297%
2019*** 5295740.0315%
2018*** 5525560.0301%
2017*** 5435630.0300%
2016*** 5625520.0286%
2015*** 5086150.0318%
2014*** 5265820.0300%
2013*** 5035920.0310%
2012*** 4886230.0324%
2011*** 5085740.0299%
2010*** 5185700.0294%
2009*** 4756450.0322%
2008*** 4616760.0329%
2007*** 4666810.0327%
2006*** 4736580.0320%
2005*** 4946070.0305%
2004*** 4736150.0310%
2003*** 4915860.0294%
2002*** 4945610.0285%
2001*** 5065420.0275%
2000*** 4955410.0272%
1999*** 4775440.0280%
1998*** 5074970.0257%
1997*** 4934990.0262%
1996*** 4605430.0284%
1995*** 5094800.0250%
1994*** 5044900.0252%
1993*** 4974990.0253%
1992*** 5024790.0239%
1991*** 4984770.0235%
1990*** 4745170.0252%
1989*** 6023550.0178%
1988*** 5973340.0174%
1987*** 6582860.0153%
1986*** 6412870.0156%
1985*** 6302960.0161%
1984*** 6402750.0153%
1983*** 6892460.0138%
1982*** 6212880.0159%
1981*** 6132950.0165%
1980*** 6862520.0142%
1979*** 7482160.0125%
1978*** 8211820.0111%
1977*** 8411770.0108%
1976*** 9251400.0089%
1975*** 8751520.0097%
1974*** 9291340.0086%
1971*** 9971250.0071%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.