Baby Name Rankings of Alaina

Alaina: Statistics About The Baby Name Alaina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2181,3560.0775%
2022*** 2021,4260.0799%
2021*** 2001,4900.0837%
2020*** 1971,4840.0842%
2019*** 1861,5730.0863%
2018*** 2021,5170.0822%
2017*** 1821,6600.0885%
2016*** 1841,7640.0915%
2015*** 1761,8050.0933%
2014*** 1901,7290.0892%
2013*** 1801,7490.0916%
2012*** 1611,9180.0998%
2011*** 1551,9850.1034%
2010*** 2071,4820.0763%
2009*** 2501,3070.0653%
2008*** 2231,4900.0725%
2007*** 2271,5280.0733%
2006*** 2481,3480.0655%
2005*** 2521,2590.0632%
2004*** 2731,1800.0594%
2003*** 2771,1210.0562%
2002*** 3091,0000.0509%
2001*** 3141,0020.0508%
2000*** 3151,0030.0504%
1999*** 3418770.0452%
1998*** 3996870.0355%
1997*** 4076400.0336%
1996*** 3846920.0361%
1995*** 3956650.0347%
1994*** 3826620.0340%
1993*** 4106070.0308%
1992*** 4375730.0286%
1991*** 4695220.0257%
1990*** 4415670.0276%
1989*** 4535350.0269%
1988*** 4724790.0250%
1987*** 4914400.0235%
1986*** 4754520.0245%
1985*** 4984060.0220%
1984*** 5383570.0198%
1983*** 4884030.0226%
1982*** 4614570.0252%
1981*** 4594650.0260%
1980*** 5024050.0228%
1979*** 8081950.0113%
1978*** 9551460.0089%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.