Baby Name Rankings of Ainsley

Ainsley: Statistics About The Baby Name Ainsley

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5984960.0284%
2022*** 5066200.0347%
2021*** 3638400.0472%
2020*** 3558680.0493%
2019*** 4756540.0359%
2018*** 3997680.0416%
2017*** 3528980.0479%
2016*** 3449650.0500%
2015*** 3399610.0497%
2014*** 3349980.0515%
2013*** 3329630.0504%
2012*** 3399220.0480%
2011*** 3638830.0460%
2010*** 3538930.0460%
2009*** 4177580.0379%
2008*** 4417110.0346%
2007*** 4546980.0335%
2006*** 4566820.0332%
2005*** 4396790.0341%
2004*** 3977560.0381%
2003*** 4376840.0343%
2002*** 4526360.0323%
2001*** 4795780.0293%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.