Baby Name Rankings of Adrien

Adrien: Statistics About The Baby Name Adrien

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20219672290.0123% ***
20198592550.0134% ***
20188632510.0130% ***
20178562530.0129% ***
20168712500.0124% ***
20158552600.0128% ***
20147982840.0140% ***
20137952800.0140% ***
20127003350.0167% ***
20117113190.0158% ***
20107782840.0140% ***
20096953440.0164% ***
20087273120.0145% ***
20078432450.0112% ***
20067542740.0127% ***
20056932920.0140% ***
20047742310.0111% ***
20037482380.0114% ***
20028282000.0097% ***
20019291660.0081% ***
20009371610.0077% ***
19999941410.0069% ***
188186650.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.