Baby Name Rankings of Adriel

Adriel: Statistics About The Baby Name Adriel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231133,1850.1739% ***
20221382,6840.1440% ***
20211542,4640.1324% ***
20201402,6060.1413% ***
20191852,1190.1110% ***
20182291,6420.0851% ***
20172521,4580.0743% ***
20162401,5940.0790% ***
20152861,2820.0633% ***
20144336910.0340% ***
20134705840.0292% ***
20124525990.0298% ***
20114525910.0294% ***
20105154970.0244% ***
20095075230.0250% ***
20085844280.0199% ***
20076493680.0169% ***
20067073040.0141% ***
20057932380.0114% ***
20048022200.0106% ***
20038182120.0102% ***
20029191730.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.