Baby Name Rankings of Adrain

Adrain: Statistics About The Baby Name Adrain

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1987979930.0048% ***
1986926970.0051% ***
1984909930.0050% ***
1983963840.0045% ***
1982968860.0046% ***
1981967860.0046% ***
19808541060.0057% ***
19798611010.0056% ***
19788031120.0066% ***
1977856990.0058% ***
1976864930.0057% ***
1975844960.0059% ***
1974857870.0053% ***
1973922760.0047% ***
1972866860.0051% ***
1971997660.0036% ***
1970937720.0038% ***
1964944650.0032% ***
190487680.0058% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.