Baby Name Rankings of Adonis

Adonis: Statistics About The Baby Name Adonis

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231742,0930.1143% ***
20222241,6030.0860% ***
20212231,7150.0922% ***
20202231,6740.0908% ***
20192421,5370.0805% ***
20183668920.0462% ***
20173908090.0412% ***
20163958010.0397% ***
20157023560.0176% ***
20147263270.0161% ***
20136973370.0168% ***
20126363720.0185% ***
20116943320.0165% ***
20107962680.0132% ***
20097842850.0136% ***
20088542460.0114% ***
20077632830.0130% ***
20068222430.0113% ***
20058172250.0108% ***
20047782300.0111% ***
20038262090.0100% ***
20028671890.0092% ***
20018781780.0086% ***
20007552210.0106% ***
19997871940.0095% ***
19987891930.0095% ***
19977851880.0094% ***
19968341710.0085% ***
19955783140.0156% ***
19947961770.0087% ***
19938471560.0076% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.