Baby Name Rankings of Adolph

Adolph: Statistics About The Baby Name Adolph

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1970928730.0038% ***
1968936600.0034% ***
1967834740.0042% ***
1966868700.0039% ***
1965890680.0036% ***
1964785910.0045% ***
1963833820.0040% ***
1962812870.0041% ***
19617611020.0047% ***
19606531420.0066% ***
19597031190.0055% ***
19586771250.0058% ***
19576631320.0060% ***
19566541330.0062% ***
19555951520.0073% ***
19546091460.0071% ***
19535851500.0075% ***
19525731470.0075% ***
19516461190.0063% ***
19505771380.0076% ***
19496061260.0070% ***
19486031250.0070% ***
19476711050.0057% ***
1946655970.0059% ***
19455651140.0083% ***
1944628950.0069% ***
19435541290.0089% ***
19425541230.0087% ***
19414431730.0138% ***
19404381760.0148% ***
19394541610.0142% ***
19384141870.0165% ***
19374051920.0176% ***
19363971910.0180% ***
19353881970.0184% ***
19343772090.0197% ***
19333642210.0217% ***
19323572420.0226% ***
19313182930.0275% ***
19303222940.0261% ***
19293043300.0298% ***
19283013450.0303% ***
19272814050.0349% ***
19262834040.0353% ***
19252804240.0369% ***
19242684540.0389% ***
19232475120.0452% ***
19222415420.0481% ***
19212455270.0463% ***
19202435150.0468% ***
19192255420.0534% ***
19182016410.0610% ***
19171796730.0702% ***
19161856290.0681% ***
19151786360.0722% ***
19141984220.0618% ***
19131793830.0715% ***
19121833180.0705% ***
19111921610.0668% ***
19102101220.0586% ***
19092041050.0595% ***
1908212950.0571% ***
1907212900.0568% ***
1906186970.0673% ***
1905201860.0600% ***
1904195900.0650% ***
1903183910.0703% ***
1902190870.0655% ***
1901180800.0692% ***
19001801170.0720% ***
1899178800.0694% ***
1898185840.0636% ***
1897167920.0754% ***
1896173930.0720% ***
1895182860.0679% ***
1894165930.0744% ***
18931261190.0983% ***
18921421150.0875% ***
1891160810.0741% ***
18901381020.0852% ***
18891441010.0848% ***
18881431070.0824% ***
1887140900.0823% ***
1886145950.0798% ***
18851331020.0880% ***
18841331070.0872% ***
18831121150.1022% ***
1882145940.0770% ***
1881137900.0831% ***
1880145930.0785% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.