Baby Name Rankings of Adelbert

Adelbert: Statistics About The Baby Name Adelbert

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1932914500.0047% ***
1931895510.0048% ***
1929933520.0047% ***
1926845610.0053% ***
1924818680.0058% ***
1923932540.0048% ***
1922904590.0052% ***
1921856650.0057% ***
1920949530.0048% ***
1919915530.0052% ***
1918668860.0082% ***
1917794630.0066% ***
1916752660.0071% ***
1915716680.0077% ***
1914680560.0082% ***
1913709420.0078% ***
1912798300.0067% ***
1911822160.0066% ***
1910632210.0101% ***
1909950100.0057% ***
1908876100.0060% ***
1907814110.0069% ***
1906612150.0104% ***
1904515180.0130% ***
1902744100.0075% ***
190194360.0052% ***
1899662100.0087% ***
1898635120.0091% ***
189772590.0074% ***
1896518160.0124% ***
189587370.0055% ***
189473090.0072% ***
1893616110.0091% ***
189279480.0061% ***
189163590.0082% ***
1890490150.0125% ***
1889498140.0118% ***
1888647100.0077% ***
188768080.0073% ***
188695950.0042% ***
1885462160.0138% ***
1884451170.0138% ***
1883479140.0124% ***
1882489140.0115% ***
1881460140.0129% ***
1880320280.0236% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.