Baby Name Rankings of Addison

Addison: Statistics About The Baby Name Addison

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 623,5200.2012%
2022*** 543,9450.2211%
2021*** 454,4680.2511%
2020*** 474,4850.2545%
2019*** 474,4730.2454%
2018*** 355,2030.2818%
2017*** 345,5930.2983%
2016*** 296,3160.3275%
2015*** 246,6830.3454%
2014*** 246,9500.3585%
2013*** 197,6770.4021%
2012*** 148,1220.4227%
2011*** 139,2460.4815%
2010*** 1110,2530.5281%
20098662400.0115% 1210,5670.5278%
20088202630.0122% 1210,6640.5188%
20076923350.0154% 1111,8230.5673%
20065624380.0203% 277,5280.3660%
20055833820.0183% 1072,9740.1493%
20045424240.0204% 1602,0310.1022%
20035374270.0205% 1891,6960.0850%
20025503990.0194% 2201,4500.0738%
20015244230.0205% 2701,1600.0588%
20005134360.0209% 3229810.0493%
19995074180.0205% 3697940.0409%
19985483620.0179% 4046770.0350%
19975493580.0180% 4755300.0278%
19965443500.0175% 5474270.0223%
19955453500.0174% 6773140.0164%
19945543420.0168% 8002520.0129%
19935843110.0151% ***
19926342630.0125% ***
19916512430.0115% ***
19906452470.0115% ***
19896462400.0115% ***
19885852490.0125% ***
19875432810.0144% ***
19865132950.0154% ***
1934985420.0040% ***
1933995410.0040% ***
1931894510.0048% ***
1930873570.0051% ***
1929960490.0044% ***
1928903550.0048% ***
1927827650.0056% ***
1926874580.0051% ***
1924918580.0050% ***
1923824670.0059% ***
1922779730.0065% ***
1921759770.0068% ***
1920894590.0054% ***
1919820640.0063% ***
1918736760.0072% ***
1917710730.0076% ***
1916700720.0078% ***
1915766610.0069% ***
1914662590.0086% ***
1913834330.0062% ***
1912754330.0073% ***
1911707200.0083% ***
1910928120.0058% ***
1909801130.0074% ***
1908632170.0102% ***
1907813110.0069% ***
1905593160.0112% ***
190481090.0065% ***
1903577150.0116% ***
1902583140.0105% ***
190172790.0078% ***
1900788110.0068% ***
1899583120.0104% ***
1898485180.0136% ***
189778780.0066% ***
1896551140.0108% ***
1895456190.0150% ***
1894419200.0160% ***
189370690.0074% ***
1892597120.0091% ***
1891598100.0092% ***
1890512140.0117% ***
1889581110.0092% ***
1888416200.0154% ***
1887515120.0110% ***
1886452160.0134% ***
1885440170.0147% ***
1884450170.0138% ***
1883382200.0178% ***
1882389210.0172% ***
1881417170.0157% ***
1880392190.0160% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.