Baby Name Rankings of Adalyn

Adalyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Adalyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 1951,5380.0879%
2022*** 1801,6480.0924%
2021*** 1421,9160.1077%
2020*** 1391,9300.1095%
2019*** 1601,7930.0984%
2018*** 1441,9300.1045%
2017*** 1342,1940.1170%
2016*** 1412,1810.1131%
2015*** 1322,4500.1266%
2014*** 1522,1050.1086%
2013*** 1771,7730.0929%
2012*** 1981,6010.0833%
2011*** 2141,4580.0759%
2010*** 2561,2610.0650%
2009*** 3698600.0430%
2008*** 5265720.0278%
2007*** 8783130.0150%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.