Baby Name Rankings of Abe

Abe: Statistics About The Baby Name Abe

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1961964630.0029% ***
1960995590.0027% ***
1959942660.0030% ***
1958970610.0028% ***
1957922670.0031% ***
1955956610.0029% ***
1954986570.0028% ***
1953955560.0028% ***
1949881600.0033% ***
1948970510.0029% ***
1947928570.0031% ***
1946917520.0032% ***
1945803590.0043% ***
1944824580.0042% ***
1943910530.0037% ***
1942797650.0046% ***
1941765650.0052% ***
1940857540.0046% ***
1939811560.0049% ***
1938833550.0048% ***
1937764640.0059% ***
1936717690.0065% ***
1935794600.0056% ***
1934705740.0070% ***
1933737680.0067% ***
1932673820.0076% ***
1931672790.0074% ***
1930681850.0075% ***
1929823620.0056% ***
1928667890.0078% ***
19275241360.0117% ***
19265191340.0117% ***
19255791160.0101% ***
19244631750.0150% ***
19234671730.0153% ***
19224661750.0155% ***
19214022300.0202% ***
19204142040.0185% ***
19193502660.0262% ***
19183652550.0243% ***
19173242800.0292% ***
19163282620.0284% ***
19153142710.0307% ***
19143022240.0328% ***
19132712010.0375% ***
19122661720.0381% ***
1911268940.0390% ***
1910282740.0355% ***
1909275670.0379% ***
1908287570.0343% ***
1907260650.0410% ***
1906282500.0347% ***
1905241650.0454% ***
1904264520.0375% ***
1903239580.0448% ***
1902252540.0407% ***
1901250480.0415% ***
1900274560.0345% ***
1899276390.0338% ***
1898214670.0507% ***
1897223580.0475% ***
1896254510.0395% ***
1895242540.0426% ***
1894240500.0400% ***
1893266430.0355% ***
1892244530.0403% ***
1891251400.0366% ***
1890237490.0409% ***
1889266390.0328% ***
1888260460.0354% ***
1887268370.0338% ***
1886235500.0420% ***
1885241470.0405% ***
1884256450.0367% ***
1883245430.0382% ***
1882235500.0410% ***
1881262360.0332% ***
1880234500.0422% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.